Sunday, February 28, 2016



I seem to keep using the same set of crayons, they are down to the last numb. I've been using this set so long that I don't know if I can go and get another set because these ones I have now are comfortable and safe. How will I know how to act around these new crayons? What if they are cool and find me dull? 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

well do you?

can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Love is dumb but I want ours back

Your name is always playing in my head like the over played songs on the radio.
You were my first kiss I didn't see it coming and after we didn't know what to say,
you haven't kissed me since. 
You text me to ask how I'm doing.
 To be honest I miss you I miss us like my blue teddy bear that I had when I was little and couldn't fall asleep without. 
Every time my phone buzzes I hope it's you saying we made a mistake and that you miss me back. 
Life seemed better with you.
I didn't want it to end.
I didn't want to let you go.
My phone just buzzed it wasn't you this is ridiculous I'm waiting for a text that's never gonna come. 
I want your scent to cling to my clothes  and the taste of your lips to linger on mine like liquor on a drunks breath strong  and hard to not notice I want you to hold me like we are chains in a lock and the key has been thrown away I want you to hold my hand and move your thumb up and down on the back of mine I want you to cuddle with me like Netflix and chill because after one movie ends another one begins because after one movie end another one begins. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Not all dads are heroes

My memories of him are fading; there are days I forget all about him. The thought of 

him brings pain realizing all the things he promised but never kept; when he'd leave I

 was terrified he wouldn't come back. I remember this time he took me on a "trip" to 

his "friend's", I didn't realize that he was showing me as his weak spot if he wasn't a

 "good friend." It still makes me sick. He was there to protect me but that's never what 

it felt like. My hero was really a zero. Years passed terrifying things happened all I 

wanted was him, but everyone knows that he's in love with her and everyone says 

she is to addicting to ever come back from and it kills me every time I remember him. 

She has more on him than I ever could. I was little I didn't know that she had him 

wrapped around her finger he was a kitten all he had to do was stop eating what she 

put out, but he loved it like monkeys love bananas or how I loved him. He taught me to

 never let others walk over me but never realized he was letting her. To me he was my 

knight in shinning armor when really he was holding up a mask so I couldn't see how 

lost he was. He said he's not seeing her anymore and that things are going to change 

and he's gonna be my knight again, but I'm scared to believe him I'm done getting

hurt but for his sake I hope its true I haven't seen 

the real him in a long time.


 Fridays hat day! Going back to Fridays in elementary the only day you could 
wear a hat to school. The best day for that kid that was always got in trouble for wearing one. #lifewasmoresimple